In Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, a gradual reduction in the operational and investigation funds allocated to police stations has been reported, with a cumulative decrease of Rs. 37 million over the last three years. This report, submitted to the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Assembly, raises concerns about its potential impact on police efficiency and operational capabilities.
Highlights of the Report that Funds in 2021-22 Police stations were allocated Rs. 122 million for operational and investigative purposes. Funds in 2022-23 The funding was reduced to Rs. 95 million.Funds in 2024 The allocation dropped further to Rs. 85 million, marking the lowest funding level in three years.
Former Inspector General Akhtar Ali Shah offered insights into the potential reasons for this reduction He pointed out that police officers often delegate financial matters entirely to pay officers and accounts officers, which can lead to inefficiencies in monitoring and utilizing the budget properly.
Shah suggested that previous budgets may have lapsed due to non-utilization, prompting authorities to reduce future allocations.A consistent decrease in operational and investigation funds will inevitably hinder the smooth functioning of police operations, affecting their ability to conduct investigations effectively and maintain public safety.
While the provincial government claims to be strengthening and modernizing the police force, the continuous reduction in these critical funds contradicts such claims. This decline is expected to negatively impact the quality of police investigations and operations, ultimately reducing the force’s overall efficiency and capacity.
The inconsistency between the government’s promises and actions raises questions about their commitment to improving public safety and law enforcement infrastructure.