A parliamentary committee has released a detailed report on the damages caused during an Islamabad Police operation at the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP) House. The total losses have been estimated at over 30 million PKR, with significant damage to government property and missing items belonging to the Chief Minister (CM).
Fact finding report says that Chief Minister’s Missing Belongings total value is 3.5 million PKR Missing items include,An M4 rifle worth 2.5 million PKR,An iPhone worth 600,000 PKR,A bulletproof jacket worth 150,000 PKR
In Missing Government Assets Official weapons, mobile phones, and cash were reported missing.
Items worth 4.5 million PKR, such as gas masks, mobile phones, and a mobile bank unit, have been stolen.
Damage to CM Secretariat vehicles is estimated at 1 million PKR.
Two V8 vehicles of the Chief Minister sustained damages worth 1.54 million PKR.
Damage to electronic equipment, including CCTV cameras, DVRs, laptops, and computers, is estimated at 1.05 million PKR.
Structural damages to the CM’s rooms, doors, glass panels, and the family room were reported.
Total Losses from CM Secretariat,Losses including missing weapons, damaged vehicles, and other stolen items, are estimated at 4.05 million PKR.
The damages occurred during an Islamabad Police operation on October 5 last year, amid protests organized by Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) in the federal capital. The report blames the police operation for extensive losses at KP House, detailing thefts and damage to government assets and personal property of the Chief Minister.
The report was presented in the parliament by the parliamentary committee and calls for accountability regarding the financial and material losses suffered during the incident.